The Personality Analysis System tm v1.0 Copyright 1990 Dennis Drew Copyright Strictly Enforced NOTE: The program disk may be copied and distributed to your acquaintances. Please read the following: IMPORTANT: HOW TO OBTAIN THE PAS INSTRUCTION MANUAL This program is USER SUPPORTED. You are encouraged to copy the Personality Analysis System diskette and give it to your friends and acquaintences. You may use this program freely and distribute it as you wish. However, the following restrictions do apply: 1. You may not charge a fee for this program, other than for the cost of duplication. 2. You may not alter the program or supporting items in any manner. 3. You may not copy or reproduce in any way the instruction manual that is available for this program. 4. If you are a shareware distributor, you must obtain the most current version from our company and sign a distribution license agreement. PAS is very easy to use. You do not need an instruction manual to operate it. However, the manual allows you to gain greater benefit from this program. To get the manual, you must REGISTER with us. We depend on your registration fee to continue operation. Registration brings you: 1. Instruction manual. 2. Call-in telephone support. 3. Places you on our mailing list for notification of future updates. 4. JOB MATCH system which helps in finding jobs that match your personality. Registration is $95. (Outside U.S. add $20 shipping) We will support you if you register; absolutely no support will be given to non-registered users. To register, use the enclosed form, or send your check to: DENNIS DREW PO Box 101 Joplin, MO 64802 (417)781-4248 2 How can the Personality Analysis System help you? PAS can help you in many ways. One of the greatest problems today is lack of communications between people. PAS is an OPEN system, which means that the results of the personality analysis are meant to be shared with your friends and loved ones. Consider the alarming rate of divorce so prevalent today. Consider the "generation gap" and the terrible loss of teenage life and health due largely to the inability to communicate with parents and vice versa. PAS can help tremendously in improving family life and communications. PAS can help in social and personal friendship situations also. The incredibly accurate and beneficial report produced by PAS actually encourages people to request an analysis of their own personality. When the results are shared, people open up and become friendlier. PAS can help in the work environment as well. Once you know what you prefer as a home and work environment, you can seek jobs that match your "work personality", jobs that you will enjoy and that will allow you to use your own personal skills. Upon consideration, you can quickly realize how PAS will more than pay for it's extremely low cost of registration! 3 PROGRAM NAME: PERSONALITY ANALYSIS SYSTEM REGISTRATION: DENNIS DREW PO BOX 101 JOPLIN MO 64802 PHONE: (417)781-4248 The PERSONALITY ANALYSIS SYSTEM is a highly-accurate personality analysis system that is designed to help the individual better understand his own personality and those of friends, acquaintances and loved ones. PAS is based on the same principles and report system as the EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM but has been modified to work more on the personal and business rather than strictly business level. PAS can help in several ways: 1. The program is extremely accurate. Trained and licensed psychologists and psychiatrists have marvelled at the sophistication and accuracy of such a low-cost program. 2. PAS helps you know yourself by describing your strenths, motivational factors and demotivational factors. Knowing these things can help you improve yourself as a person. You can also work with your strengths and build them to your advantage. 3. PAS is a POSITIVE ANALYSIS system (it doesn't pull skeletons out of the closet). The 5-page report is so amazing that people literally request a report to be run on their own personality as soon as they see it run on someone else. The PAS report is intended to be shared and thus opens communications and strengthens good will among people. 4. JOB MATCH helps you to determine whether or not a job fits in with your basic personality. Is the environment one that will encourage you to work and motivate you to produce your best? Will it allow you to use your personal skills to the utmost? PAS can help you determine this. 5. PAS encourages open communication between adults and teens, helping to bridge the "generation gap". PAS reports on the two greatest influencing factors of the respondee's personality. It also describes management style, decision making style, stamina, and personality characteristics. The final page deals in motivational and demotivational factors that would cause a person to like or dislike the environment in which he works and lives. PAS is intended to improve communications between people and enhance the ability of the individual to improve his lifetyle. PAS is valuable as a personal communications tool between friends, marriage mates, business acquaintances and any other relationship where personality is a strong influencing factor. PAS is a very accurate program and is a valauble personal tool. Registration is $95 (outside US add $20 shipping). Registered users are provided with a manual, telephone support, and a "JOB MATCH" system which helps them to determine the suitability of a job for their personality. 4 OPERATING THE PROGRAM First of all, copy this program to another diskette, or your hard disk as indicated in the PASARC.DOC file. To receive your personality analysis, copy the file PASSHEET to your printer by using the command: COPY PASSHEET PRN Fill out the sheet. Call up PAS by typing in its name, then fill in the responses you have indicated. PAS will then produce a 5-page report. This is a fully operational program. It is intended to let you see the efficiency and accuracy of PAS. Trained and licensed psychologists and psychiatrists have marvelled at the efficiency of PAS. PAS is based on the same principles as the program EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Whereas EMS is intended for use primarily in the business area, PAS is more for personal as well as business use. Regarding EMS, one of our clients wrote, "We have tested several programs designed to improve business through means of personality analysis, and in our opinion PAS is the very best we have ever seen." In order to encourage registration, full documentation on PAS and JOB MATCH instructions are supplied only to REGISTERED users. Your registration is the only income we have from this program, and is REQUIRED if you continue to use this program. Continued use of this program without being a registered user is in breach of federal copyright laws. Please register, and encourage us to continue providing updates to this program. Thank you. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Files for the Personality Analysis SYSTEM Ver 1.0 PASARC.EXE Compressed file-- self unarcing PASARC.DOC Instructions for unarcing After unarcing: PAS.EXE Main program file INSTRUC.TXT Short mini-instruction documentation (this file) PASSHEET Employee survey form JOBMATCH Instructions on locating jobs based on your personality (registered version only) JOBSHEET Job survey form (registered version only) PAS01-PAS20 Data files used by program 5 WHAT ABOUT ACCURACY AND VALIDITY FACTORS? We do not offer "validity factors" on this system. For one thing, this program has a licensing fee of only $95.00. Compared with other systems costing thousands of dollars, PAS is an amazingly good deal. There are plenty of EXPENSIVE psychology programs that have all the statistics you may want. If you need such, then pay more. We simply do not have the manpower or the finances to hire a staff of psychologists every year to check the validity of the program. That does not however, mean that the program isn't accurate. In our tests (and we have tested this system on a LOT of people), we have found PAS to have an accuracy above 85%. That does not mean it will only work for 85% of the people; it means that it will portray each individual with 85% or better accuracy. In most cases, 95% or better is achieved. Sometimes you may seem to get a "conflicting" report. You may find a report that says in one place that a person is "Cautious", while in another place it says the person is "Daring". This would appear to be a conflict. However, this is not necessarily the case. If a person was NOT cautious and was daring, he would jump into any situation without foresight. However, a person who available, then be IS cautious and yet daring, is one who will get all the facts willing to take a chance based on an educated decision. You've heard the term "calculated risk"? Cautious daring. Consider: You have a choice between doing what everyone is doing and guessing at people's mental needs (which obviously doesn't work too well) or using PAS to get a very good idea of who you are and the manner in which to interract with people around you. Which would you prefer? 6 The Personality Analysis System USER REGISTRATION AGREEMENT ARTICLE 1. ACCEPTANCE. In registering for the program, "The Personality Analysis System", the user agrees to abide by all articles and restrictions of this license. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to note the items of this license, and decide upon agreeability of its terms prior to the registration of the program. ARTICLE 2. LICENSING. This program is licensed, not sold. As such, the user/ purchaser has the right to use the program on a day-to-day basis, but recognizes the ownership of the program and all materials as belonging to Dennis Drew. ARTICLE 3. COPYING AND MULTI-USER. This program is USER SUPPORTED. You are encouraged to copy the Personality Analysis System diskette and give it to your friends and acquaintences. You may use this program freely and distribute it as you wish. However, the following restrictions do apply: 1. You may not charge a fee for this program, other than for the cost of duplication. 2. You may not alter the program or supporting items in any manner. 3. You may not copy or reproduce in any way the instruction manual that is available for this program. The instruction manual is provided to REGISTERED USERS ONLY. Copying of this manual in any form is strictly forbidden. This program may be used within a network/multi- user system, so long as no copies of the instruction manual are made. If several copies of the manual are required, then a discount is provided on request. 4. If you are a shareware distribution company, you must obtain the latest version of the program and sign a distribution license agreement. ARTICLE 4. WARRANTY AND LIABILITY. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to decide upon usability and application of this program to his/her particular needs. Every effort has been made to insure the accuracy and reliability of this program. However, since the success of this program relies a great deal upon individual use and dedication to the use thereof, and the fact that this program is user copiable (thus limiting our control over what the end-user receives), We will not be held responsible for any results obtained from the direct or indirect use of this program. 7 ARTICLE 5. TERMINATION. If the user/purchaser breaks any article of this agreement, all items pertaining to The Personality Analysis System shall be returned to the publisher. This will not exclude any additional punitive damages incurred according to national and civil laws. ARTICLE 6. CUSTOMER SUPPORT. We are eager to support our customers. Technical assistance is available to REGISTERED USERS ONLY by calling (417)781-4248 Monday through Friday during the hours of 9am to 5pm. The Personality Analysis System USER REGISTRATION If your diskette is damaged in any way, return it to us along with $10.00 to cover cost of replacement. We will rush you a new diskette. It is recognized that the purchaser is already bound by the terms of the LICENSING AGREEMENT enclosed with this package. This registration form serves two purposes: 1. To emphasize agreement with the terms of the license. 2. To allow us to provide you with timely updates and information. WHY SHOULD YOU REGISTER? There are several good reasons for registering: 1. You will receive a bound copy of the users manual (it is illegal to copy this manual for any reason). 2. You will receive full telephone support. 3. You will be automatically notified of significant updates, so that you may keep your copy of the Personality Analysis System current. 4. You will receive the JOB MATCH system which will help you in determining the suitability of a job to your personality. Thank you for registering! 8 Personality Analysis System REGISTRATION FORM (please print clearly) NAME: _______________________________Serial #:__________________ COMPANY NAME: __________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________ CITY: ______________________ STATE: _______ ZIP: _______________ PHONE: (_____)_______-_______ PURCHASE DATE: _____/_____/______ I acquired this program from:___________________________________ I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the Personality Analysis System licensing agreement. I request to have my name added to your mailing list for future updates and information. ___________________________________________ ___________________ signed date enclose your check for $95.00 and mail to: Dennis Drew PO Box 101 Joplin, MO 64802 (outside U.S. add $20 shipping)